
Saturday, 16 November 2013

More Tips to Help You Text Girls

Alright, you have her number... now what do you text her?
Again, I highly recommend you keep it very simple, as we discussed in the previous articles linked to above about phone and text game… just ask her when she’s free and get her to meet up.
This advice follows Pareto’s Law: 80% of your results are going to come from 20% of your effort. That means that if you focus ONLY on those highly effective 20% and don’t do the other 80% at ALL, you can do five TIMES as much of what REALLY works… and get five times the 80%.
In other words, if you do nothing but apply Pareto’s Law to everything you do, your output will quadruple.
On some rare occasions, however, you might meet a girl that you’re really interested in, and where you can just tell that the 20% wouldn’t be enough to get her to come out on a date with you. Be careful not to get hung up on situations like that where you can’t stop thinking about her and end up hung up on a girl who isn’t yours, but making an additional two or three attempts in a case like that is fine.
Some girls actually find persistence sexy, and with the right kind of follow up, they might just change their mind about you. Again, not something I’d recommend as a standard MO, but it might be worth a shot in a few exceptional cases.
In that case, for those rare exceptional few, I give you – some texts you can text girls with that go beyond the simple “let’s meet up” Pareto approach.

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